Wednesday 27 July 2011

How To Tell If You Have a Healthy Heart

If your reading this I am going to assume that you are already aware of how important your heart is. You probably also know that heart disease is a major problem to people as they older with age. In fact heart disease is in the number 1 killer in the United States alone. Around two thousands Americans die because of this disease each day. So why is the heart so very important anyways? The major responsibility of the heart is to inject and push out blood. Blood is important because it's like the highways of your system. For example how would trash be removed from your city if there was no highways? Also how would important things get to the places they need to go? If you lost your heart you cease to exist in a very short amount of time.

So it is common knowledge that your heart is one of the most crucial muscles in your human makeup. The reason that someone's heart rate is good to know is because it is somewhat of a measure of their health. The measurement really has to do with taking it when you're resting. The best time is after you wake up since you're the most rested. Also if you just recently had a horrible nightmare that is probably not the ideas time to get your resting heart rate because your adrenaline is running high. There are many methods to measure your heart rate the simplest would be to take two fingers and touch your inner wrist or neck. Then count how many beats there are in 10 seconds. Multiply that by six and you have a good estimate on what it is. Somewhere between 50 to 100 beats per minute is the average resting heart rate.

Of course a lot has to do with a person age and everyone is different. The lower the number is the better health you are in. I think of it like if a person was really in shape it doesn't take them a lot of effort to do say, ten pushups and if someone is really out of shape then doing ten pushups is extremely challenging. The same thing is with your heart, which is why measuring is can give you some great information.

Another thing to ponder is someone's peak heart rate. In a nutshell anything over someone's maximum heart rate can be dangerous and it is the most beats someone's heart can pump safely. To find you peak heart rate take 220 minus your age is a good estimate. It is interesting to note that if someone is not in a good physical shape they can hit this number much easier than if someone was very fit. Another point I would like to make is that having a high heart rate is actually good when someone is exercising because it means that they are really working their muscles.

Links To Get More Info.

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